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Saturday 30 November 2013

Improve your seo score

SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” It is the process of Getting traffic from the “free,”  “editorial” or “natural” Listings on search engines. All major search engines such as Bing, Yahoo, Google Have such results, where web pages and other content such as local listings or videos are shown and ranked based on what the search engine Considers most relevant.
SEO is most important for better indexing of pages and to get more views.
So, here are some tips about how to improve your SEO score.

1) Creating good navigation links. 

Think about making the trip of a client within your website as easy and smooth as possible. The Shorter the steps they need to take to find your contact information , To register, or to complete a sale , the higher success rate you receive . Search Engines crawl your web site through the navigation links , so that if Your customers are happy sailing, good chance that the search engine Crawlers are too .

2) Make sure your page relevant and descriptive copy. 

When You type in a search on Google , for example , you want to see results With titles large print and a fragment of the describe under the A title, which serves as your first layer of marketing. You must include the title and description of your home page should briefly describe the type of service that you do.

3) Be in the list of search engines and local directories. 

Start With the major players like Google Plus Local, Yelp and Yahoo directory , and then down to the business and local government listings in your Area. The likelihood of your customers finding you will increase when it becomes more listings.

4 )  Encourage as many reviews as possible 

Reviews Are allowed on our listings in local search engines and directories, But must also be enabled in your web site to allow customers to use any A medium which they feel comfortable . 

5) Having a presence on relevant social media sites . 

They add that the number of places that your customers can comment on , and will be exposed to hundreds of their friends. It's a great place to win business through referrals .
6) Create a website optimized for mobile . 

Mobile usage is growing exponentially so now is the time to get ahead in the game. Always Keep in mind that SEO is not only a process to search engines are happy , it is a process to ensure that it is delivering the best service to Its customers.

7) Set up Google analytics
Set Google Analytics to understand who is using your siteAlthough Not necessarily specific SEO, the first thing to do is install Google Analytics and check that it is installed on all pages. Access to a wide range of specific user data is what separates digital from traditional marketing. Use this to your advantage !

8) Set up Google Webmaster tools

Set up Google Webmaster Tools to understand how the search engines are interacting with your siteMany are unaware of the large set of tools that Google offers as Google Webmaster Tools. Make Sure you verify your site with Google Webmaster Tools to allow the The search engine itself to provide detailed information on how to see you Site . Understand important issues such as :• Is Google crawls your site ? If so , how many pages it discovered ?• What internal links are being recognized ?• What external links pointing to your site ?Use this to help recognize when search engines have difficulties to reach your content. 

9) Create an XML sitemap 

One of the simplest actions that a webmaster can take is to create an XML Sitemap , this is best understood in simple terms as a "list of all your website URL . Submitting this to Google Webmaster Tools ensures you provide all pages that are active on your site, giving you an edge when it comes to discover and index your content.• Use a tool like this to create an XML sitemap• Submit sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools 

10) The resolution of domain names

301 redirect canonical (e.g. ) for the version no canonicalised (e.g. ) on your site. Otherwise, It may cause confusion for the search engines in their struggle Decipher whether or is the Correct page. Your browser may also not find the requested URL to the server that can lead to a multitude of problems . This will also cause a bad user experience if they cannot find your home page , they can leave , never to return .With This in mind, you should implement 301 redirects canonical ( ) non- canonical ( ) . 

11) Interlink between websites 

If You run multiple startups and / or multiple sites , make sure all are Linking to each other , either from the blog roll , links footer or Elsewhere (e.g., About pages ) . It's usually a quick victory , something that has control of 100 % with respect to the implementation of self. 

12 ) Make sure that your links from social profiles 

If / When Company Profiles Facebook , Twitter , LinkedIn , YouTube, etc., Make sure you include the link to your site is created. You would be surprised how many people either overlook this or simply forget doing it ( for example , if in a hurry ) . While You may not get a lot of SEO value social profile links themselves , They can be picked up elsewhere (e.g. , being in Twitter directories Usually spends more SEO value to be on Twitter itself ) .
13 ) Sort out your Google Places 

If A list of Google Place's results is presented to your keywords ( for Example, a map with the corresponding results ), make sure that you get a Google Places listing sorted soon . It's free and easy to install . In Particular, non- competitive spaces , creating a simple list may be Sufficient to classify without further optimization required . 

14) Be smart about choosing a domain 

Startups Are notorious for choosing strange and quirky names ( and domain names ), but be smart about your choice of domain names. For Example, if you are a pastry called Fantastic mono ( which is a freebie If anyone wants it !) , Fantastic - monkey - may benefit More from FM - , not only for finding brands but for keyword searches as well , due to the inclusion of "cakes " . Of Course , SEO is not the be-all - and - end-all of online marketing Channels , but with something like a domain name , it makes sense to Choose right from the start .

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Tips for better SEO

Improve your seo score

SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” It is the process of Getting traffic from the “free,”  “editorial” or “natural” Listings on search engines. All major search engines such as Bing, Yahoo, Google Have such results, where web pages and other content such as local listings or videos are shown and ranked based on what the search engine Considers most relevant.
SEO is most important for better indexing of pages and to get more views.
So, here are some tips about how to improve your SEO score.

1) Creating good navigation links. 

Think about making the trip of a client within your website as easy and smooth as possible. The Shorter the steps they need to take to find your contact information , To register, or to complete a sale , the higher success rate you receive . Search Engines crawl your web site through the navigation links , so that if Your customers are happy sailing, good chance that the search engine Crawlers are too .

2) Make sure your page relevant and descriptive copy. 

When You type in a search on Google , for example , you want to see results With titles large print and a fragment of the describe under the A title, which serves as your first layer of marketing. You must include the title and description of your home page should briefly describe the type of service that you do.

3) Be in the list of search engines and local directories. 

Start With the major players like Google Plus Local, Yelp and Yahoo directory , and then down to the business and local government listings in your Area. The likelihood of your customers finding you will increase when it becomes more listings.

4 )  Encourage as many reviews as possible 

Reviews Are allowed on our listings in local search engines and directories, But must also be enabled in your web site to allow customers to use any A medium which they feel comfortable . 

5) Having a presence on relevant social media sites . 

They add that the number of places that your customers can comment on , and will be exposed to hundreds of their friends. It's a great place to win business through referrals .
6) Create a website optimized for mobile . 

Mobile usage is growing exponentially so now is the time to get ahead in the game. Always Keep in mind that SEO is not only a process to search engines are happy , it is a process to ensure that it is delivering the best service to Its customers.

7) Set up Google analytics
Set Google Analytics to understand who is using your siteAlthough Not necessarily specific SEO, the first thing to do is install Google Analytics and check that it is installed on all pages. Access to a wide range of specific user data is what separates digital from traditional marketing. Use this to your advantage !

8) Set up Google Webmaster tools

Set up Google Webmaster Tools to understand how the search engines are interacting with your siteMany are unaware of the large set of tools that Google offers as Google Webmaster Tools. Make Sure you verify your site with Google Webmaster Tools to allow the The search engine itself to provide detailed information on how to see you Site . Understand important issues such as :• Is Google crawls your site ? If so , how many pages it discovered ?• What internal links are being recognized ?• What external links pointing to your site ?Use this to help recognize when search engines have difficulties to reach your content. 

9) Create an XML sitemap 

One of the simplest actions that a webmaster can take is to create an XML Sitemap , this is best understood in simple terms as a "list of all your website URL . Submitting this to Google Webmaster Tools ensures you provide all pages that are active on your site, giving you an edge when it comes to discover and index your content.• Use a tool like this to create an XML sitemap• Submit sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools 

10) The resolution of domain names

301 redirect canonical (e.g. ) for the version no canonicalised (e.g. ) on your site. Otherwise, It may cause confusion for the search engines in their struggle Decipher whether or is the Correct page. Your browser may also not find the requested URL to the server that can lead to a multitude of problems . This will also cause a bad user experience if they cannot find your home page , they can leave , never to return .With This in mind, you should implement 301 redirects canonical ( ) non- canonical ( ) . 

11) Interlink between websites 

If You run multiple startups and / or multiple sites , make sure all are Linking to each other , either from the blog roll , links footer or Elsewhere (e.g., About pages ) . It's usually a quick victory , something that has control of 100 % with respect to the implementation of self. 

12 ) Make sure that your links from social profiles 

If / When Company Profiles Facebook , Twitter , LinkedIn , YouTube, etc., Make sure you include the link to your site is created. You would be surprised how many people either overlook this or simply forget doing it ( for example , if in a hurry ) . While You may not get a lot of SEO value social profile links themselves , They can be picked up elsewhere (e.g. , being in Twitter directories Usually spends more SEO value to be on Twitter itself ) .
13 ) Sort out your Google Places 

If A list of Google Place's results is presented to your keywords ( for Example, a map with the corresponding results ), make sure that you get a Google Places listing sorted soon . It's free and easy to install . In Particular, non- competitive spaces , creating a simple list may be Sufficient to classify without further optimization required . 

14) Be smart about choosing a domain 

Startups Are notorious for choosing strange and quirky names ( and domain names ), but be smart about your choice of domain names. For Example, if you are a pastry called Fantastic mono ( which is a freebie If anyone wants it !) , Fantastic - monkey - may benefit More from FM - , not only for finding brands but for keyword searches as well , due to the inclusion of "cakes " . Of Course , SEO is not the be-all - and - end-all of online marketing Channels , but with something like a domain name , it makes sense to Choose right from the start .

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Posted at 21:17 |  by Unknown


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